This was a great honor to shoot, well with a little pressure seeing that Ben is one of Kenya’s top wedding photographers. Mwarv was the other photographer covering the wedding. Check out his stuff on here. On that day decided to ride to the bride’s place, I got a bit lost and Gathoni had to come out to look for me. She confused me for a Boda boda :-). Anyway I clarified that the boda boda business is the side hustle, but on that day I was fully concentrated in her wedding. As a result I had to ignore such great business opportunities of ferrying people to the wedding venue :-).

Everyone in the house was very calm and collected unlike the usual panic. I remember I had the best smoothie I had ever taken in my life, that Gathoni’s mum had made( I hope its called Smoothie, anyway it was a great drink). Make up was being done by Kobi (very cool chap). The video team was none other than Faimus productions, they came with all manner of gadgets, I felt like putting away my point and shoot camera:-). Anyway, it’s always cool working alongside them, very creative team and are the guys behind Bailey’s weddings on TV.

Gathoni had a great dress that was custom made. After all the make up and dressing was done, it was time to leave. The other side of the family was ready to pick the bride, so as I jumped out to shoot. I noticed a very well dressed young man, and on closer look, it was Ben! He came to pick the bride :-), how cool!

At the church the bridal team came in dancing, clearly not from my school of two left feet…. show offs! but they looked great.

The ceremony went well, we had a nice cheeky moment where the Pastor asked someone to move their car, he went like “KBU ..U for Eunice please move your car. Oh did I mention during the kiss the couple did a selfie?

Then we went for pizza and chilled out, did a few interesting photos here, I will let you be the judge.  After that we were off to the reception where Ben came to life with the dance moves!! I will come for lessons!

Above all it was a great day.  Honored to have been part of this celebration. God bless. Let me know what you think of the images.


